We Need You (An Audio Post)

In an attempt to keep connecting with you in fresh and meaningful ways, I'm trying something new.


Instead of writing my post(s), I'm going to speak them. This allows me the opportunity to share the words I want to share through the tone and energy I want to impart ... not limited by bold or italicized text options. This hopefully allows you the opportunity to hear the words and the messages behind them in a new way - in a way that can sink deeply into your being.

You can close your eyes, listen in, and imagine we are having an intimate (albeit temporarily one-sided) conversation in your living room. (And please, feel free to respond...)

Today's post is a wake-up call, and a reminder of what I, what WE, need you to do.


(estimated time: 5 minutes, 14 seconds)

If you can not see this chirbit, listen to it here http://chirb.it/a856Kx

Please let me know - what did you think? Do you like this format?)
