Use What You Have
Creativity doesn't have to be difficult. It doesn't have to be carried out with $10 / tube paints, fancy dance clothes, or only after 10 weeks of drawing lessons.
You start where you are.
You start with what you have.
Creativity has a funny way of blossoming on its own from there.
Recently, I've been on a creative explosion...grabbing anything and everything and just playing. I'm not going to my tried-and-true materials; rather, digging deep in my stash of forgotten materials - the scrap papers, trinkets, and tools that were purchased or saved once-upon-a-time. (I might've even dipped into the recylcling bin once or twice.)
I've not been sharing this because I wanted to focus more on the process than any outcome. But the longer I play, the more confident I feel on the journey. The more I create (quite wonderously) - the less I feel attached to the product and the more I am fascinated by it.
I share to encourage you to do the same.
Join me on this journey.
It is a journey of presence. Being present with what is calling.
It is a journey of silence. Not necessarily of outer silence, but of inner silence - drifting along and not hearing the thoughts of, "I can't do this", " I should be doing something else".
It is a journey of movement. Responding to that calling. Getting up, grabbing, gluing, moving, dancing, bending to see the undersides, standing on tip-toes to peek over the top. Sitting down, reaching, stretching.
It is a journey of breath.Flowing from one material to the next without questioning why, just as we don't question why we are breathing.
Here is one project that emerged.
Paint samples, leftover from years of painting and repainting and changing my mind about the colors around our house. Cut, placed, glued, bordered with a simple Sharpie marker.
I call this piece, "Indecision".
What do you have around you? What do you have within?
Respond to the calling.