As my awareness changes, so will my feelings about the things around me. It is important that I practice and play with both, letting them change as they are apt to do....
Read MoreSeveral days ago, I found myself in line at the groccery store. In front of me were two ladies with maybe 15 items.
The cashier quickly scanned through their items, sliding them along to a bagger at the end of the counter.
The bagger was an elderly gentleman, placing each item carefully into a plastic bag. His pace didn't match the cashier's, and soon, all three women were waiting on the bagger to finish. The cashier, with a harried sigh, started grabbing items and putting them into bags, pushing them towards the women who were checking out. Her impatience and that of the women in front of me was tangible.
I recently started work on a painting and, as usual, had no idea where it was going.
And, as usual, it wasn't the final image that provided me insight and excitement - rather, the process of contemplation that resulted because of simply creating.