Speaking of the Moon


I speak often 

of mindfulness and creativity

of wanting you to feel alive and to experience

the sensual delights that are so freely offered

to every Body

And I talk of ways to paint 

and ways to parent

and ways to participate

in this ongoing flow of change from moment to moment

And I invite you, sometimes more urgently than not,

to stop sleepwalking through your life.


Last night, there was a Full Wolf Moon.

I went outside and took some pictures,

shivering as I stood determinedly in 

bare feet on our snow dusted deck

And then I put down my camera.

And I went back outside and

crouched down and huddled into my own

body warmth and 


I speak so often of these things you can do

(should do?)

to be more aware, more mindful, more creative. 

And yet, if you were to only go outside


and look up at the moon - hidden behind clouds

or displayed in full brilliance

If you were to actually see the Moon

I would not need to speak anymore.  
