The Same Moon

"Look at the moon", I thought.  

"How pretty it is this evening."


We were in another argument.  Unlike the car that was speeding down the highway, this heated conversation was going absolutely nowhere.


I kept trying to bite my tongue.  There's nowhere to run, nowhere to escape to when you are in a car.  Those nasty thoughts and retorts that were sizzling in my head certainly didn't need to be spoken.  But the more taunts he threw out, the harder it was to resist.

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Being Alone

I first want to thank everyone for the overwhelming response to yesterday's post!  I can't begin to describe how freeing it felt to write it.  Knowing that others breathed easier because I did?  Yeah, I'm doing a happy dance.  We are on the path to peace....


Continuing on with the spur-of-the-moment, writing-because-I-feel-called-to celebratory practice:


Fingers poised over the keyboard, this is what I need to share:

It is hard being alone.

And I don't mean alone in the sense of no one around me.  I'm a mother to two school-age children and a wife to a loving husband and a caretaker of an old dog who snores VERY loudly and likes to pee in rooms when the doors have been left open.  

I don't mean alone in the sense of no one understanding me.  I was blessed to begin to connect with people many years ago around the world who resonated with LifeUnity, who continue to journey with me through Being Breath.  Oh, you mindfully creative adventurers you - I hear you.  We are hand-in-hand in this.  I am SO grateful for you.

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Back To School

I posted this photo on Facebook yesterday.  I wrote that it broke my heart.


The story behind it is of my 9 year old son who, because he is part of a new program this year, rides the bus to the high school (with high school and junior high kids) where he transfers to a different bus that takes him to his elementary school.

In this photo, the first day back to school, the boys behind him have just made a joke.  My son is trying to gain their favor by acting cool, aloof, and yet, he looks my direction to make sure I am there.  He is still just 9.  

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