The Nuttiness of Sleeping In

We woke up at 7 a.m. to get our son ready for his first day back to school.  We got him on the bus, got home...

and went back to bed.

We slept until 11 a.m.


I feel like I have wasted my day.  But why?  My body wouldn't have slept if it didn't need the rest.  So why is rest a waste of time?

The past few weeks have been one thing to plan after another.  Each night I fall asleep with a slight sense of anxiety as I worry about what wasn't accomplished that day and what needs to be accomplished first thing the next morning.  Last night, though, after a successful dinner party at our home, we fell into bed.  I had nothing to plan.  I fell into a very deep, restful sleep.  (And apparently, did so again around 7:30 a.m. this morning.)

I recently woke up, feeling slightly guilty that I hadn't blogged yet.  That I hadn't run, done yoga, painted.  

As I was preparing lunch, I noticed a quote on the back of my daughter's juice bag:

And I smile.


I'm reminded that in that sleep, more happened than I realized.  It was rest necessary for contemplation, for rejuvenation.  Rest, sleep, quiet, space....all are necessary for something mighty to grow (or just to be realized).


I'm reminded that right here, right now, I'm exactly where I want to be.

I'm exactly who I want to be - both the mighty oak and a little nut. 





p.s. Join me and many others who have already signed up in practicing small and powerful reminders of mindfulness based on the book, "How to Train a Wild Elephant and Other Adventures in Mindfulness."  Learn more HERE.

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