I'm Baaaack!

And SO thankful for all of your wonderful comments!

I SURVIVED and am beyond thrilled to share with you a video about my Half Marathon experience.  Believe it or not, I carried my camera with me the entire time (yup - a dedicated runner AND photographer!).  This video is the result of those photos and a Monday of practically ignoring every other thing I had to do.

A little background:  On May 8th, 2010, my hubby (Chris), sister (Kristen), brother (Ryan), and I all completed the Indianapolis Mini Marathon - the largest half marathon in the United States with over 35,000 participants.  This year brought colder temps (in the 40's after being in the 80's (F) the day before) and horrible wind.  (Cold temps are great for running - wind....not so much.)

I have SO much to share with you (an awesome Mother's day, for example!) and SO many blogs on which to catch up.  But, like I had to do with training and with the run, One Step At A Time.

(NOTE: Clicking on the video will take you to my Smugmug site where the video should automatically play.  I couldn't get this on YouTube as it was blocking my audio...because I'm not willing to pay thousands of dollars for a one-time use fee for the music.)

(I hope to add more details later at Move Me, but also want to get the giveaway up and painting done and laundry switched and blah blah blah.  I know YOU understand!!)

I am still feelin' the indescribable energy from this experience - and wish that each and every one of you may experience it in your own way very soon.