Working On Working Out
I did drop off for a bit before and during the Bridge Day trip. But I'm right back into it now. I post this for those who may be struggling with me to maintain a workout routine and/or train for next summer.
What I Did:
Monday (a.m.): Ran 30 minutes (~2.5 miles?)
Tuesday (a.m.): Superset & some core-strengthening exercises (~30 minutes total)
What I Learned:
*Pain is a great deal in the mind. I had a huge blister (ewww, I know) from Bridge Day. I was feeling quite off from not working out for a few days, however, and knew I wanted to do something Monday morning. So I decided it wouldn't hurt that much, applied padding & bandages, and off I went. You know what? It didn't hurt during the run! (I'm still baby-ing it right now to make sure it doesn't get worse.)
*Breaks from working out need to be moderated just as much as working out. Obviously it is smart to take a day off a week and to listen to one's body and not overdo it. But taking too much time off can make it soooo hard to start back up again.
*There is a difference between an excuse and a reason. And only YOU can determine which is which. It may even change over time! Cold weather may be a valid reason for not working out at one point. But with the proper dress & know how, cold weather may be an excuse for not working out. I'm constantly playing with my boundaries with this (was Bridge Day trip an excuse for not working out or a reason?). It is important, if you are in this process as well, to not let anyone else determine for you what is an excuse and a reason. Listen to your body, your intuition, become knowledgeable about your composition and what exercise can do to you (both beneficial and harmful). Do what you need to do based off your reasons, but try hard not to make excuses.
Back to my sick kiddo....